
charnel .1

charnel .1


(1) Charnel.

(1499) Ca 195b. Tenchez charnel. g. delectation charnelle l. hec voluptas / tis. ●(c.1500) Cb 58b. [delectation] g. delectation charnelle. b. delectation charnel. Idem hec illecebrositas / tis. bri. carantez charnel. ●(1612) Cnf 80b. ha goudé maz diuisquet an mantel charnel. ●(1621) Mc 27. Couezet ouff en polution volontæramant, dreiz off ma hunan en eur charnel.

(2) Kompagnunezh charnel : relation sexuelle.

(1612) Cnf 42a. Dememes eo pechet maruel pocquet, gant volupté ha pligeadur, gant intention da compaignunez charnel.

(3) (Kavout) kompagnunezh charnel gant ub. : (avoir) des relations sexuelles avec qqn.

(1576) H 50. Incest, a dal quement da lauaret euel compaignunez. Charnel gant e chares pe e alyet en degrezyou difennet, tr. « Incest, that is as much as to say carnal converse with one’s kinswoman or one’s relation in the forbidden degrees. » ●(1612) Cnf 40b. Caffout compagnunez charnel gant bellegyen pé Religiuset.

(4) Ober kompagnunezh charnel gant ub. : avoir des relations sexuelles avec qqn.

(1612) Cnf 40b. NEp à gra compagnunez charnel gant vn Religiuses à pech maruelamant.

(5) Remuamant charnel : pulsion sexuelle.

(1621) Mc 29. Bet em eux remuamant, hac santimantou charnel. 106. Bet em eux remuamantou charnel a enep ma volontez.

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